Friday, August 31, 2012

So I'm hoping to use this as a way to promote my writing--you know, create a following, blah, blah, blah... That's my main reason for having a blog. Here's the deal: Once every couple days to every week or so, I'll be posting an exerpt from my novel or from my other work.

I will also (listen--uh, I mean read--carefully, this is important) be posting exerpts from other works here. If you are a writer who would like to promote your writing, would like me to post a short story, or a novel exerpt, please email the work to button (dot) mar25 (at)
Remember to replace the (dot) with periods and the (at) with @ and remove all the spaces. In your email, please include your name, the title of the piece, a short third person bio and of course, the piece itself, pasted into the body of the email. I will not open any attachments. In the subject line, please use the words 'fiction submission' and put the title of the piece.
Here's the do's and don't's:

Do send me 2000 words or less of your short story and a 200-300 word excerpt from your novel.

Do send me fiction of all sorts--novel, novella and short pieces included.

Don't send me any nonfiction--I will delete without reading.

Don't send me a work that has a ton of grammatical or spelling errors. I will send you a polite email in return rejecting your work.

Do send me a nice polished piece that you would like to promote.

Don't send me pieces that are already published elsewhere. If it's already published, please don't submit it.

Don't send me erotica or pieces that are heavy in swearing. This blog is, as the title suggests, meant for younger ages and I will not read any pieces that are too heavy on swearing or violence, etc.

Also, I will be accepting art, photography, etc, if I think it is really good, and especially if it matches a story I will be posting. If you have any art at all that you would like me to feature, please include the following in the email: your name, the title of the artwork, a short third person bio and the picture. In the subject line, please use the words 'artwork submission' and put the title of the piece.

Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that any substantial piece of writing posted here is considered published and will limit your options if you wish to publish elsewhere.

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