Friday, December 7, 2012

The Stereotypes of Writing

So a while ago, in a class, I was asked to come up with an identity that belongs to me and (surprise!) I chose being a writer. In this assignment, we were address the stereotypes of our chosen identity in a rant. I can't find the rant, but I was thinking about this today and I'd now like to address some of these stereotypes so that maybe (probably not) people might stop grouping me in here.

1. I can't even count the amount of times one of my friends has looked at me and said "Oh, you're a writer, why don't you write it?"

  • Um, several reasons. One, because I don't really like what we're working on and I don't write about things I'm not passionate about. Two, just because I write, doesn't mean I write good (I like to think it does, but it usually doesn't). And three, just because I write about things I'm passionate about doesn't mean I can write just anything. I write fiction. You want someone to write that article for you, how about you go find one of your friends that writes nonfiction. Not my area of expertise. So here's the lesson on this one for all you non-writers: just because someone writes, doesn't mean they can write just anything. Everyone has their specialties, especially writers.

2. Many people seem to think that writers and coffee go together.

  • I'm not saying some writers don't like coffee but that doesn't mean everyone likes it. I don't drink coffee. Can't stand it, actually.

3. Writers are loners.

  • This one is NOT, unless you're, just kidding. As with any stereotype, some probably fall into this category, usually because they're anti-social and prefer the company of their characters. 
So those are just a couple that came off the top of my head. Have any other thoughts on stereotypes? Leave me a comment and I'll address it in my next post.

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